Kai Magazine and Retropixeladores
Posted november,07th - 2015
As near we get the date for the next meeting the number of confirmed booths increases. The first confirmed booth for today is Kai Magazine. In addition to his game catalog with the games Lilo, Nuts and No name, for this users meeting they will present a new finished game: Bomb tournament, for MSX2 computers. Bomb tournament its an action game for 1, 2 or 3 players. During the users meeting, there will be a Bomb tournament contest. Players will compete in 3 players round: This will be the best way to test a multiplayer game like this.

Also, Kai Magazine will present brand new boxes for MSX games, a good alternative to place our original games whose box is lost.
The other booth is RetroPixeladores & FloppyDerno. After a few users meeting without attending, they are back with all his catalog of notebooks made with recycled floppy disks and magnets made with Hama beads.